Yoga Nidra Sleep Meditations

Yoga Nidra- Daring to Rest Method

Yoga Nidra is a laying down 'sleep based' meditation practice. Yoga Nidra takes you through all the sleep stages of the brain and beyond to a place called Turiya; Bliss Body, zero thoughts. One 30-45min session equals 3hrs of Sleep.

The Daring to Rest Method

We Rest: Physical Exhaustion

We Release: Emotional & Mental Exhaustion

We Rise: Dream & Ignite Life Purposes

During a typical Yoga Nidra session, participants lie down to rest, the Yoga Nidra guide takes you on a journey through the layers of your self. A systematic process; breath awareness, guided visualization, all aimed at progressively releasing tension from the body and calming the mind. You will gradually move from your outerworld to your inner world, receiving a state of deep relaxation and renewal.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Improves sleep

Stress reduction

Balances the nervous system

Profound relaxation on all levels

Healing & restorative

Support for chronic conditions

Increase clarity, memory & creativity

Connection to innate wisdom & intuition

Yoga Nidra- Daring to Rest Method

Yoga Nidra is a laying down 'sleep based' meditation practice. Yoga Nidra takes you through all the sleep stages of the brain and beyond to a place called Turiya; Bliss Body, zero thoughts.

One 30-45min session equals 3hrs of Sleep.

The Daring to Rest Method

We Rest: Physical Exhaustion

We Release: Emotional & Mental Exhaustion

We Rise: Dream & Ignite Life Purposes

During a typical Yoga Nidra session, participants lie down to rest, the Yoga Nidra guide takes you on a journey through the layers of your self. A systematic process; breath awareness, guided visualization, all aimed at progressively releasing tension from the body and calming the mind. You will gradually move from your outerworld to your inner world, receiving a state of deep relaxation and renewal.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Improves sleep

Stress reduction

Balances the nervous system

Profound relaxation on all levels

Healing & restorative

Support for chronic conditions

Increase clarity, memory & creativity

Connection to innate wisdom & intuition

Contact Us

325 Main St Suite 2 floor 1, Antigonish, NS B2G 2C3

Service Hours

By Appointment Only

The Clinic is Full to 2025 Join the Waitlist

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325 Main St Suite 2 floor 1, Antigonish, NS B2G 2C3

By Appointment Only

The Clinic is Full to 2025 - Join The Waitlist

For Retreats/Rest Programs email

2024 | Siesta Massage & Wellness | Sitemap
